Battlefield Chronicles 1 | Page 6

A6 • HISTORY THE BATTLEFIELD CHRONICLES • FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2013 POWER STRUGGLE Nimrod: good or evil? The mighty man who built large cities and a grand tower lacked one thing STAFF REPORTER JERUSALEM, ISRAEL Nimrod was a very significant man in ancient times, the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah, who survived the great flood. There is no doubt, Nimrod was a born builder, having built the first city after the flood. Then he went on to build Nineveh. Nimrod was also known as a mighty hunter. Thus Nimrod the hunter became a tyrant, a powerful hunter of men, so that hunting was intimate“The expression ‘a ly connected with the mighty hunter’ does estab lishing of his kingdom, Babylon. It not necessarily relate was King Nimrod who primarily to hunting first persuaded people to rebel against God, in the literal sense, more a ‘hunter of men’ convincing them that it was their own cour(a trapper of men by age which procured happiness. He also strategem and force) gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but by bringing them into a constant dependence upon his (Nimrod’s) own power. Nimrod was responsible for constructing the famous Tower Of Babel. Well, as we all know, things didn’t go as well as planned while the tower was being built because rumor has it that his God came down from the heavens personally and confused the common language in Babylon, thus scattering the people all over the world. And there has been much conjecture about why the tower was constructed in the first place. Was it, as some say, a statement on Nimrod’s part to defy God? Being a direct descendant of Ham, (whose son Canaan was the recipient of Noah’s curse,) Nimrod vowed he would avenge himself against God by building a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach, should God ever again try to wipe out the human race. Thus he would avenge himself against God for destroying his forefathers. Or was the temple actually a place of worship? Nimrod himself was apparently later deified as the chief god (Merodach or Marduk) of the Babylon society. We believe he may have been the one that first sent out the decree to: “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11:4 It seems they wanted to build a tower that should “reach” to the heavens, but it is hard to think that even these people could have been foolish enough to suppose that they could do this literally. Or even if they did, it is hard to think of them as being foolish enough to build their tower on the plain of Shinar, that is, almost at sea level, when they could equally well have built it on the top of a nearby mountain and thus have begun with a few thousand feet head start. It is even reported that the proposed top would be dedicated to the heavens as a place of worship. The question is, worship of what? NIMROD: He built the first city after the worldwide flood. He went on to construct the Tower of Babel. TOWER OF BABEL: They wanted to build a tower that should “reach” to the heavens TRIVIA Did you know? Historical trivia tidbits for you to enjoy STAFF REPORTER JERUSALEM, ISRAEL • The Bible was the first book printed on a printing press. It was printed on the Gutenberg press in the 1450s. • When Queen Elizabeth the first died in 1603, the crown was passed on to James the first, who had been king of Scotland for 37 years as James VI. The King began the pursuit of a new Bible translation. It was completed in 1611 and is now know as the King James Version. ORDER NOW AVAILABLE AT TOBIASCOM.COM • The first Bible printed in America was not an English Bible, nor was it a scholarly Greek, Hebrew, or Latin Bible. It is this 1661/63 Bible in Natick (also known as Wampanoag), the language of Algonquian people of the present-day state of Massachusetts. It is also the first Bible printed anywhere in the Western Hemisphere. About 1000 copies of “Eliot’s Bible” were printed, but only forty-two copies still exist today. BAT T L E F I E L D C H RON IC L E S .C OM GUTENBURG PRESS