BassFishing_FebMarch2023 | Page 31

read through my bullet points and the focus and motivation return . For me , my list of goals is a reminder of things that are important to me , even if I lose sight of that over time .
One other note on the subject : I fully intend to accomplish all of my goals when I set them , but having fallen short a time or two , I ’ ve realized that even when I fail , the pursuit alone takes me much further than I would have gone otherwise . For instance , if my goal is to catch multiple bass over 10 pounds using a certain technique , there ’ s a lot to be learned in the pursuit of that goal – regardless of the eventual outcome . In the process , I ’ m sure to become much more proficient at that particular technique , and a better angler as a result .
There ’ s no downside to setting goals this year – the worstcase scenario is still an improvement over the norm .
To help motivate you to follow through ( and perhaps give you some ideas for your goals ), here are some of my fishing goals for 2023 :
Catch a bass over 10 pounds in a new state : I ’ ve been blessed with a lot of very big bass over the years , but expanding across state lines adds a whole different element to the pursuit . The specific state doesn ’ t matter to me – catching a doubledigit largemouth in a new state does .
Catch a giant musky in the South : A multi-species goal really helps keep fishing fresh and new throughout the year . If one goal isn ’ t going well or you know it ’ s the wrong time of year to complete a particular goal , you have an alternative to pursue . For me , a giant musky scratches the same itch as a giant bass . Any apex predator is a worthy pursuit in my book .
Watch my youngest daughter catch her first fish : Not all of our goals have to be focused on our own fishing . I love fishing with my girls , and before year ’ s end , my youngest daughter , Bailey , should be old enough to join us . I ’ m looking forward to seeing her first catch .
We all fish for different reasons . Whatever motivates you , I encourage you to pursue it to the fullest . Fish more often , remember to enjoy the journey , and when that trophy comes ( be it a bass or a tournament trophy ) hoist it in the air and remember that feeling . This can be your year . All you have to do is prepare for it by committing to new goals .