BassFishing_FebMarch2023 | Page 30



The start of a new bass fishing season is an opportunity to improve
Matt Allen and Tim Little are well-known big-bass experts who own Tactical Bassin , a website and social media channels dedicated to educating the public about bass fishing .


id you make any New Year ’ s resolutions this year ? Did you spend the first week of January at the gym or eating salads for lunch ? Did you vow to spend a little less and save a little more ? This annual ritual is engrained in our society and helps each of us find some motivation for a fresh start .
More often than not for most people , New Year ’ s resolutions go by the wayside in short order . Luckily , we ’ re far enough from the start of 2023 that setting new goals seems appropriate . After all , winter is almost over and bass fishing season in ramping up .
If you want 2023 to go differently than 2022 – at least in some ways – you need to do something to change it now . I challenge you to take the time to set fishing goals for 2023 , even if you ’ re reading this well after the calendar flipped . It ’ s never too late to set goals and take action . Setting goals and actively pursuing them throughout the year is all it takes to become a successful angler . If you want to catch more and bigger fish this year , you don ’ t have to develop new skills , or quit your job , or fish 200 days a year ; you just need to fish with intention .
Your goals can be as big or as small as you choose them to
be . Maybe your goal is to get on the water once a week or even once a month . It ’ s far more likely to happen if you commit it to writing and review that goal regularly . Perhaps you want to catch a 10-pound bass , buy a boat or win a tournament . Again , all of these things are more likely to happen if you commit your goals to paper and regularly review them throughout the year .
I personally try to set very lofty goals for myself each year , and I constantly review them . It ’ s amazing how many times I look back and realize that even in a short time I lose focus and am pursuing other things . One quick