Bass Fishing Oct 2018 | Page 10

NEWS & NOTES M C WHA tO DIrECt COStA FLW SErIES WATSON RECEIVES SPORTSMANSHIP & COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARD ANDY J ames Watson of Lampe, Mo., is the 2018 recipient of the Forrest L. Wood Sportsmanship & Community Leadership Award. He was recog- nized in front of his peers at the Forrest Wood Cup pre-tournament banquet in Hot Springs, Ark. The Missouri pro’s nomination and eventual selection for the award stem from his commitment to participate in FLW Community Outreach efforts prior to FLW Tour events held around the country. He is also a regular volun- teer with the non-profit organization Shriners Hospitals for Children, and a mentor for high school fishing clubs. Mark McWha, a veteran T-H Marine FLW Bass Fishing League tournament director, will succeed Ron Lappin as Costa FLW Series director of tournament operations beginning in 2019. The announcement was made in late August. “I have some extremely big shoes to fill in trying to follow Ron Lappin, but I’m very confident in my abilities and look forward to trav- eling the country working with some of the top anglers from around the world,” says McWha, who’s been with FLW since 2006. Lappin has directed the Costa FLW Series since 2007. He and his wife, Joan, will continue to assist McWha during the 2019 season as they transition into retirement. 2019 COStA FLW SErIES SCHEDuLE CENtrAL DIVISION April 4-6 – Kentucky Lake, Gilbertsville, Ky. May 9-11 – Table Rock Lake, Branson, Mo. Oct. 10-12 – Lake of the Ozarks, Osage Beach, Mo. NOrtHErN DIVISION July 18-20 – Lake Champlain, Plattsburgh, N.Y. Aug. 22-24 – Potomac River, Marbury, Md. Sept. 19-21 – St. Lawrence River, Massena, N.Y. SOutHEAStErN DIVISION Jan. 31-Feb. 2 – Lake Okeechobee, Clewiston, Fla. March 21-23 – Lake Chickamauga, Dayton, Tenn. April 25-27 – Santee Cooper, Summerton, S.C. SOutHWEStErN DIVISION Jan. 3-5 – Lake Amistad, Del Rio, Texas June 13-15 – Grand Lake, Grove, Okla. Oct. 3-5 – Sam Rayburn, Brookeland, Texas WEStErN DIVISION Feb. 28-March 2 – Lake Mead, Las Vegas, Nev. May 16-18 – Clear Lake, Lakeport, Calif. Sept. 26-28 – California Delta, Bethel Island, Calif. COStA FLW SErIES CHAMPIONSHIP Oct. 31-Nov. 2 – Lake Cumberland, Burnside, Ky. FORMER EDITOR EMERITUS COLIN MOORE RECEIVES WADE BOURNE AWARD 8 The “Legends of the Outdoors” Hall of Fame honored Colin Moore with the Wade Bourne Communicator of the Year Award during its annual banquet on Aug. 25. Moore, who resides in Gallatin, Tenn., recently retired as editor emeritus of FLW Bass Fishing magazine. He previously served as editor-in-chief of the magazine and and has held numerous other editorial positions in his career, includ- ing a six-year stint as executive editor at Outdoor Life. The award is named in honor of late outdoor writer, radio host and television per- sonality Wade Bourne, who passed away in 2016. He and Moore were good friends. “This award was designed to recognize what we believe was Wade’s concept of an outdoor communicator,” says Garry Mason, founder of Legends of the Outdoors. “Colin certainly fits that mold. Not only is he a great writer and communicator, but he’s the type of person that, when you meet him, you like the guy, and once you get to know him, you like him even more.” This is the second year for the award. Outdoor writer and radio host Larry Rea was the inaugural recipient in 2017. FLWFISHING.COM I FALL 2018