Bass Fishing Dec 2019 - Jan 2020 | Page 79

2020 TBF NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HEADS TO GROVE, OKLA., AND GRAND LAKE O’ THE CHEROKEES increased payouts for the fourth consecutive year and bigger prizes help make grassroots anglers’ dreams come true T TBF, FLW EXTEND PARTNERSHIP I n early december, Flw and The Bass Federation reached an agreement to extend their partnership and to con- tinue working together to service grassroots anglers across the continent. Through the partnership, Flw and TBF will continue to afford opportuni- ties for co-membership and Flw tour- nament bids to TBF anglers. The top boater and co-angler from each of seven divisions at the TBF national championship will advance to the phoenix Bass Fishing league all- american. additionally, TBF will be introducing a revamped and expanded “living the dream” prize package for anglers in 2020 and beyond that will still include fully paid Flw pro circuit entry fees, use of a tow vehicle and boat, and travel stipends for many events. Flw and TBF will also continue to co-manage the nation’s largest high school Fishing program that includes 66 tournaments and a host of sanc- tioned trails serving more than 20,000 students across the united states. participation in Flw and TBF high school Fishing tournaments is free to all student angler Federation (saF) members, as saF membership includes both TBF and Flw membership.  more details will be made available soon. he Bass Federation’s top grassroots anglers are headed to Grand lake in Grove, okla., march 10-14, 2020, for the TBF national championship. competitors will enjoy one of the nation’s premier lakes. Grand is cen- trally located and diverse enough that no matter what style of fishing anglers enjoy, they can find it on Grand. up for grabs is a significantly increased prize pool – the fourth year in a row that payouts have increased – and more advancement opportunities thanks to the growth and success of TBF’s national semi-Finals program across north america. The total purse will surpass $300,000. “Grove and Grand lake o’ the cherokees is so very excited to be host- ing The Bass Federation’s 2020 national championship,” says donnie crain, executive director of the Grove convention & Tourism Bureau. “This champi- onship will bring to our lake some of the finest anglers in the country. we are proud of our great bass fishing at Grand lake, our world-class facilities at wolf creek park and our genuine okie hospitality, and we look forward to showcasing all three during this prestigious national event.” all boaters and co-anglers in the national championship will compete for three days. TBF covers hotel room nights for the actual event days, and all seven division champion boaters and co-anglers will advance to the 2020 Flw Bass Fishing league all-american. The overall boater and co-angler winners will leave with the title of “national champion” as well as the living the dream package. The boater package is valued in excess of $130,000. previously, it included a new ranger bass boat to use for the following sea- son, but in 2020, the champ gets to keep a new ranger Z520 powered by a 250-hp evinrude G2 engine, lowrance electronics and minn kota trolling motor. TBF strongly believes in the value of co-anglers, so the 2020 co-angler champ wins a living the dream pack- age worth more than $30,000, includ- ing cash, a clothing package, multiple advancement opportunities and more. TBF plans to roll out even more prizes and advancement opportunities to more anglers finishing near the top at the championship, all with the goal of helping them live their dream in the bass fishing world. Full details will be announced soon. coverage of the TBF national championship will be broadcast in high definition in the Federation Angler TV block on the pursuit channel and streamed live from wolf creek W WW .B B W T RAILERHIT CHE ES . C OM park daily on T HE L AS T HIT C H Y OU’LL OU E V ER N NEED WINTER 2020 I FLWFISHING.COM 77