Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 16

My heartfelt condolences go to Shahid’s family, friends, and fellow bass enthusiasts.

To Shahid 'Bassaholic' Ebrahim: - Bassa, my man, I will miss our chats. You were a real example of respect, politeness, and your knowledge of the sport that drove us all crazy, was truly awesome! My regret is that we will never get to fish the Vaal River together, as we often spoke about.

Rest in peace my friend; you will live on in my heart for always!

John 'Basscrazy' Herwill. Gauteng.

Bass Digest/July, 2014

I remember the first comp we had last year (2013) at Nigel, I only received my boat a week or so before the Comp and I was nervous to launch it that day as the launch site was quite busy. Not being familiar with reversing with a boat (trailer) let alone launching a boat I was very nervous and also didn't want to look like a newbie. I saw Shahid was standing close to me and I opted to ask him if he wouldn't mind launching my boat for me. His reply back to me was, "No". I must say I was a bit taken aback by his response but then he replied saying, "Theo, you bought such a nice boat. You cannot expect other people to launch your boat for you. What I would do is reverse your bakkie and then I will walk next to you and guide you until you have launched the boat and when you want to take your it out this afternoon, I will again walk with you while you reverse so that you can see and learn how to do it yourself and then practice from there".

Shahid walked patiently next to me guiding me and telling me what I needed to do and to remember it so that from there I would be able to launch my own boat.

To this day, every time I launch my boat I will think of how Shahid guided me that day. The small tips he gave me will last a lifetime.

R.I.P Shahid.

Theo, Springs.

There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart

Strength and faith to the family, from the Jina Family