Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 15

Bass Digest/July, 2014

Hold tight to memories for comfort

It’s always a sad occasion when someone departs from this world. But the moment is made sadder when the person departing is a close friend. Hafiz Mohammed Shahid was indeed a friend whose departure from us has left a void, which we all feel.

Throughout most of my schooling and Islamic studies we were together. Sharing not only precious moments during class, but also many a moment on the sports fields. His home was my home and mine his.

We pray that the lord has now taken him to a better place and the he is always remembered in our prayers. May he attain the highest stage in heaven and may his family be consoled in the knowledge that the Lord always calls back early those whom he loves.

You will be missed Shahid, by all of us.

Your friend, Mohammed Patel

I was stunned when I got the news of the unexpected passing of Shahid. The shock has not as yet passed on hearing the sad news on the 7th June 2014. Our eyes are still moist with tears, and our prayers and thoughts are with Shahid and his family.

We go back many years as friends. We grew up in the same community and attended the same school.

An incident immediately comes to mind that took place at school. The principal at the time was Mr Padayachee. He stood at the door of the science lab and looked directly at Shahid and started screaming “Hajat! Hajat is that you misbehaving again!?” So Mohammed Shahid casually turned around and looked behind him to see if there was someone else standing there because Shahid is not Hajat (surname). So principal Padayachee screams again, “I am looking at you my boy, what is your name?” To which Shahid answered, “Shahid Ebrahim”, so principal Padayachee screams again, “Ebrahimmmm”…. All we could do was laugh at the situation.

A true gentleman by nature, neatly attired, soft-spoken with exceptional character and always had many jokes to tell. In short, he was a fantastic person.

He acquire a true accolade my memorising the Nobel Qur’an during his teens, and this is an absolute honour in Islam.

I had the opportunity to spend time with him again on the 18th May 2014, not knowing that this would be my last meeting with Shahid. We sat chatting for a while remembering the good times we shared. He discussed his exciting plans for the future, for which I wished him well. He introduced us to the “Bass Digest” digital magazine and he planned to take some friends on a fishing trip to expose us to his hobby.

He had an absolute passion for Bass Fishing and his tragic end came while he was participating during a fishing competition.

I am certain that Shahid leaves a good memory with every friend that he made along the way. Shahid will be greatly missed.

May you be surround by the fragrance and light of heaven, and may you always have goodness and peace.

Your Friend,

Abbas Suliman

Shahid and I went to school together. Years of laughs and nuttiness together. He always had this smile on his face and he never had a dull day. Shahid has kept in contact after school and every moment we bumped into each other he always had time to greet and ask when I was getting married. I would say I am still studying and he would say he would have grand kids before he gets an invite to my wedding.

Shahid will always be remembered for his awesome smile and the awesome person he was. Rest in peace my friend until we meet again.

Condolences to his wife, kids and family, and rest assured that he is and always will be remembered.
