Bass Digest July 2014 Issue 9 | Page 10

When news of the tragic events unfolding at Buffelspoort Dam started trickling in early Saturday afternoon, our family was overcome by waves of mixed emotion.

Compassion for the Bereaved. The Ebrahim Family on the loss of a Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Shahid’s Childhood Friends and Loved Ones, Brent with whom so many facets of Shahid’s life were shared. Paul and the crew at Bass Digest. Those of us who had met and befriended Shahid on the water at The Bass Challenge as well as the SA Bass Cast4Cash events.

Shocked at the severity, suddenness and finality of a chain of seemingly innocent actions and innocuous events randomly combining to create a ghastly tragedy.

Concern, Helpessness and Hopefulness, as Friends searched, then the Melancholy tinged sense of Slight Relief upon news of their success.

Reflective upon the cold fact that our mortal manifestation is indeed finite, fragile and uncertain.

Comforted in the Absolute Certainty of that our Spiritual Consciousness journeys eternally through the Majestic Probabilities which surely abound in our Creator’s Infinite Muli-verse.

Memories. Abdullah rushing through to Harties with an “Emergency Outboard” for Shahid’s boat, the brothers toiling together in the chilly mist on the launch ramp to mount it just (not) in time to make “Blast Off”.The Big Win the very next month at the chilly Mid-Winter Witbank Tourney.

Most of all, we will miss the upliftment from looking up to see that smiling face arriving at WOF, Always to visit as A FRIEND! Sometimes as a journalist, sometimes as customer.

Finally, whilst overwhelmingly saddened by the sudden passing of Shahid’s bright Soul, Zara reminded me of this wisdom which surely rings true. ”There is No More Joyful a Reunion than when a Creative Soul returns to His Creator”.

Farewell Friend. Perhaps We will meet again and share a flipping deck in a higher realm of the Universal Creation.

World of Fishing Family

Bass Digest/July, 2014

He is not alone...and neither are you