Bass Digest February 2014 Issue 4 | Page 54

Most people envision a date night to include movies, dinner and maybe for the little more adventurous, some dancing. With 2 small toddlers, a Friday Date Night was a new concept for my husband and I. It required months for selecting the perfect night and securing the babysitters. Of course my husband who is a true romantic, wanted first stab at organising the EXCITING NIGHT OUT!

The week was building in anticipation to our Free Friday and like a typical lady, my mind was racing around, where are we going and what I should wear? I keep asking for hints and all that he says is dress comfortably. Thoughts – it must be a

night spa! I rush from

work through a thunder-

storm to “pretty” myself

for the occasion to be

met with a strong

recommendation to get

a raincoat and extra jersey

as it might get a little chilly.

I was still trying to

convince myself that we

were towing the tug10

just in case the rain got

really bad.

Having being out of the

dating scene for sometime

and in my opinion being a

little brave – He actually

chose this special night

to plan a trip with the

boys to a large man

made pool of water at

night to fish, and to top it

off, it was pouring with


You probably think that there is nothing like a little night fishing with the guys to end a rough work week and kick off the weekend. In fact you are probably nodding and dreaming of that thrill when the first fish bites under the dark waters. To be honest I would not argue - if I was a boy and I knew how to fish!

After waiting in the rain for what seemed like hours, we headed onto the water – We stop and at this point I can see nothing but small headlamps randomly shining at us. Needless to say, I was not happy! I get advised that now

Bass Digest/February, 2014