Basic Payment Scheme Update August 2014 August 2014 | Page 11

Option Management of woodland edges Hedgerow tree buffer strips on cultivated land Take out of cultivation archaeological features on cultivated land 2m buffer strips on cultivated land 4m buffer strips on cultivated land ELS Code EC4 EC24 ED2 EE1 EE2 6m buffer strips on cultivated land EE3 Buffering in field ponds on arable land 6m buffer strips on cultivated land next to a watercourse Field corner management Wild bird seed mixture Nectar flower mixture EE8 EE9 EF1 EF2 EF4 Beetle banks Skylark plots Uncropped cultivated margins for rare plants Uncropped cultivated areas for ground nesting birds Extended overwintered stubbles In-field grass areas to prevent erosion and run-off 12m buffer strips for watercourses on cultivated land Winter cover crops EF7 EF8 EF11 EF13 EF22 EJ5 EJ9 EJ13 9