Language The language used to describe people with a disability should be such that represents them with dignity. It is important that people with a disability feel that they are part of baseball club life and are not excluded through the inappropriate use of language. Language that constructs people with disabilities as victims and focuses on the disability and not the person is inappropriate. It is therefore important to put the person, not the disability first. Remember to; Describe the person, not the disability Do not the mention the persons disability unless it is relevant Address the person, not their caregiver Ask before offering assistance Avoid images that evoke pity Instead of saying: Use: Disabled, Crippled, Handicapped Crippled by….., Victim of…… Confined by, bound to, Person with a Disability Person who uses a wheelchair Deaf and Dumb, Deaf-mute Person who is Deaf Retarded, Mentally Impaired Physically Challenged Person with a developmental or intellectual disability Person with a physical disability Spastic Person with cerebral palsy Person with……… Tip: Avoid terms which are offensive or use of language that portrays certain people in negative way. “The journey around the bases is different for everyone”