Open activity
An open approach completely includes every one in the group in the same activity.
These are activities that are set up in such a way that everyone in the group can
participate without adaptation or modification. For example, a target skittle game, where
play is continuous and everyone participates at the same time. This enables people to
take part at their own level and does not highlight individual differences.
Modified activity
A modified approach enables each person to perform the task in the most appropriate
way for them. For example, when sending and receiving a ball, some may throw and
catch whereas others may roll and gather. Changes can be made to:
The way information is communicated
Rules of the activity or game
Environment, for example, the space.
This is the basis of the TREE principle.
Parallel activity
A parallel approach is an extension of modification based on ability groupings. Each
group is working to a common theme, but at an appropriate level. For example, there
could be three small-sided invasion games happening simultaneously:
Five versus five traditional game
Five versus five simplified rules, easier equipment
Three versus three static invasion game, such as a seated version.
Alternatively, some players may access the same gam e in different ways, for example, in
a volleyball game some could be seated while others play in a standing position.
Disability sport activity
This could be regarded as ‘reverse integration’. The emphasis is on the inclusion of
people who do not have disabilities into games and activities specifically developed with
people with disabilities in mind. For example, everyone is given the opportunity to play
sitting volleyball, boccia or goalball.
Separate activity
This is where an individual or group p articipate separately from the rest of the group.
This may be in preparation for a disability sport event where practice with team -mates is
“The journey around the bases is
different for everyone”