Baron Barclay Spring 2019 Catalog spring cat 2019 digital | Page 32

give your students the very best TEACHING MATERIALS ACB L B RI D G E S E RI E S PLAY COURSE BOOKLETS & CARDS Get the Play Course Booklets for More Practice Deals! CLUB (BIDDING) Book #210233 Cards #210254 DIAMOND (PLAY) Book #210264 Cards #210125 HEART (DEFENSE) Book #210292 No Cards ADVANCING PLAYER 1 Book #210297 Cards #210307 MODERN NT BIDDING Book #210208 Cards #210214 MAJOR SUIT RAISES I AND II Book I #210316 Cards #210257 Book II #210326 Cards #210327 BOOK $7.00 CARDS $3.50 Bidding in the 21st Century Nine lessons based on five card major openings. TEXTBOOK #5160 $19.95 CARDS #5162 $5.00 acbl materials #5161 $14.95 #5163 $4.95 Play of the Hand in the 21st Century Nine lessons on developing strategy and playing the hand. TEXTBOOK #5180 $19.95 CARDS #2422 $5.00 MANUAL FLIPPER #5181 $14.95 #5183 $4.95 MANUAL #5211 $14.95 Defense in the 21 st Century Nine lessons on defense. TEXTBOOK #5210 $19.95 CARDS #2432 $5.00 Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century Eight lessons on the most commonly used conventions. TEXTBOOK #5240 $19.95 CARDS #2442 $5.00 MANUAL #5241 $14.95 More Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century Eight lessons on additional conventions. TEXTBOOK #5220 $19.95 32 MANUAL FLIPPER MANUAL #5221 $14.95