Baron Barclay Spring 2019 Catalog spring cat 2019 digital | Page 31

combine any of the textbooks and coded cards with an asterisk on pages 30-44 for the following discount: 12 to 19 40% off | 20 or more 50% off. BRIDGE GUIDE SERIES The Declarer Play Bridge Guide Series presents Five Tips to Simplify one aspect of the game. Part One of the Guide is divided into five segments each presenting a snapshot, in turn, of each of the five tips. Part Two presents a selection of sixteen instructional deals, designed carefully to illustrate the material in a practical way, so you can comfortably apply the ideas the next time you play bridge. The Guides are multi-level and suitable for players with a wide range of experience and skill. The deals progress until you reach Deals 15 and 16, famous deals that show how experts use the information in the Bridge Guides. DECL A RE R P L AY SE RI E S You’ll be in charge of knowing how to improve your declarer play. Five Tips to Simplify Entires #5543 $11.95* Five Tips to Simplify Card Combinations #5608 $11.95* IMPROVING YOUR JUDGMENT SERIES The next step. It's time to improve your decision making Coded cards for easy dealing. B O O KM A R K S ER I ES Fold-out bookmark flaps make referencing the essentials easy. The Impact of Opening Leads Focuses on the opening lead and how it impacts the subsequent defense. Covers maxims of open- ing leads and guidelines for handling entries. 16 practice deals. TEXTBOOK #5341 $9.95 1-800-274-2221 O pening the Bidding Increase your ability to make good decisions when opening the bidding. Cov- ers Guidelines of 15 & 20, Light opening bids, pre- emptive bids and more. 32 practice deals. TEXTBOOK #4661 $11.95 CARDS #4632 $8.95 Doubles Understanding the many uses of the double can greatly improve your game. Covers takeout doubles, advancing dou- bles, balancing and more. 32 practice deals. TEXTBOOK #3922 $11.95 CARDS #5105 $8.95 audrey grant 31