“Oh look who decided to show up for
class,” Ms Gule said sarcastically.
Dear Lord, let the earth open up and
swallow me right now, she murmured
as she walked towards the dean. The
humiliation seemed to overwhelm her.
| Diary
Professor Lukhele is kind. He gets me.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for
him. The thoughts ran through her mind
as she walked to her room.
“Nolwazi, look at you. You poor child! You
work very hard. Did you sleep at all last
Back in her room, she pushed the door
night?” Prof. Lukhele said emerging from open. Her room was clean and inviting.
the back door.
The only messy place was her study table.
Empty teacups lined up at her study table
He knew all the struggles that Nolwazi
seemed to form a pyramid that had been
had been through in the university to
knocked down and left scattered. How
the present time. She always asked for
much coffee did she drink last night? She
extra work and took extra classes. As
could smell the mild aromas of the coffee.
her professor, he did all he could to help
her out with her studies because he saw
It is my addiction, she would say. Not a
the drive and determination in her, and
day passed by without her drinking it.
that he liked. Nolwazi was the most
Near the edge of the table, a pile of books
hardworking student in his class and
were about to fall over. Past exam paper
admired her for that. Utterly relieved by
spread all over the table. Her eyes turned
the voice of her professor, Nolwazi turned away to her bed. It was neatly made.
to him with a smile. Jackpot! At that
moment, she had no doubt in her mind
She couldn’t even remember the last time
that she was out of that sticky situation.
she slept on it. Suddenly, a hollow echo
He asked the dean to excuse her, just
of knuckles rapping on the door was
like he had a few times before with other
heard. Without hesitation, Nolwazi went
school officials.
to the door. She opened. Her heart almost
skipped a beat when she saw Dr Msibi
“Nolwazi, a minute, please .” Prof.
standing right there.
Lukhele yelled out at Nolwazi after class.
She stopped with anticipation written
all over her face. Without a word, the
Professor closed the door after the last
student went out. But then again she knew
what exactly he was going to say, or so she
“Thank you for saving me Prof,” Nolwazi
said. Grinning cheerfully, he told Nolwazi
that he has got her back, and whenever she
needs something she should not hesitate
asking him.
“That was it, you can go now,” he said
concluding his speech.