"One hundred Dollars!" the crowd
yelled in unison. "Right," said the
speaker. He then took the note and
crumpled it into a ball and asked:
"How much is it worth now?" "One
hundred Dollars!" screamed the
audience. He then threw the note on
the ground, stamped all over it and
picked up the note and asked one
more time: "And how much is it worth
now?" "One hundred Dollars!" was the
response. "I want you to remember
this," said the speaker. "Just because
someone crumples it, or stamps on
it, the value of the note does not
diminish. (Prakash Iyer)
We should all be like the 100
Dollar note. In our lives, there
will be times when we feel
crushed, stamped over, beaten.
But never let your self-worth
diminish. Just because someone
chooses to crush you, that
doesn't change your worth one
In 2009, a certain gentleman
applied for a job at Facebook
and was turned down. In the
same year, he created WhatsApp
and just in 2014 WhatsApp was
bought by Facebook for $19
Billion dollars. What are you
going to do next time you face
rejection? Carpe Diem!
Seize The Moment.
Opportunities are out there.
Grab them! Shine!!
Be great, do good!
In our lives, there will
be times when we feel
crushed, stamped over,
beaten. But never let your
self-worth diminish.