And you will certainly have those moments
if you decide to venture out and try to do
something few have ever done. I don’t
say this lightly. I know it comes at a price.
You will find that people might not always
understand you. You might even close off
certain relationships. But in paying that
price, you will discover who you are and
what you are capable of doing. And of
course, that journey of change and selfdiscovery comes with a high risk of falling
flat on your face, repeatedly. I have fallen
and gotten up more times than I can say.
But as the great American philosopher John
Wayne used to say: life is about getting up
one more times than you’ve been knocked
down. (Jacqueline Novogratz)
...that journey of
change and self-discovery
comes with a high risk of
falling flat on your face,
See that one opportunity, perfect that one
craft, live it! Breathe it! And do not waste
time for time is all it takes. See the future
for what it could be and create going
forward. The world's greatest companies
today are constantly re-creating themselves
and their products so as to capitalize on
the numerous opportunities around us.
Let's work together, animosity and hostility
towards each other bring us down. If you
help me shine, I liberate you and give you
the power to believe that you can shine as
well. Let's Seize the Moment. Opportunity
Galore! Close your eyes and open up your
I was in an audience listening to a
motivational speaker. The speaker got
out his wallet & pulled out a $100 note.
Holding it up, he asked, "Who wants
this $100 bill?" Lots of hands went up,
including mine. A slow chorus began
to build as people started to shout
"Me!" "Me!" I began to wonder who
the lucky person would be, whom
the speaker was about to choose. And
I also secretly wondered (I am sure
others did too) why he would simply
give away $100. Even as the shouts
of "I want it" grew louder, I noticed
a young woman running down the
aisle. She ran up onto the stage, went
up to the speaker, and grabbed the
$100 note from his hand. "Well done,
young lady," said the speaker into the
microphone. The speaker simply says
"Most of us just sit and wait for good
things to happen. That's of no use.
You've got to make things happen.
Make a move."
''Simply thinking about doing
something is of no use and not good
enough.'' Our lives are like that. We
all see opportunities around us. We all
want the good things. But the problem
is we don't take action. We all want the
$100 notes on offer. But we don't make
the move. We look at it longingly. Get
up, and do something about it. Don't
worry about what other people might
think. Take action.
Later, the speaker got another $100
note and held it up for all to see, I
thought I knew what's up. But he just
asked a simple question. "How much
is this worth?"