BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka issue 1 | Page 19

Arsene: Today the world is going forward, people changes. We come from countries where the government, the state has been and is still the first employer. Unfortunately, factors such as economic crisis asphyxiate our countries. Therefore, in order to face those factors, our government sometimes have to reduce their annual spending level by suppressing employment and compressing salary wage.

Thus, we have to stand and be self-employed become entrepreneurs. It no longer a choice but an obligation.

Those who are waiting to study and go back home to look for a job, are those one who go home and stay unemployed for years and then accuse the system. It time to become entrepreneurs, create your own company and stop crying.

There is two things in life; it is either you work for money or the money work for you. The wealthy man are those for which money work for. If you work for money, you will of course be able to sustain your family normally, just the basics. But if money work for you, you will always have money to get everything you want in life.

Of course,it will not happen at once, you will need to invest, be patient, fight for it. Even NAT FINANCE went through up and down and is still going through ups and downs but we stand still.

I will also ask the Gabonese of Vaal to firstly buy

Vaal, in other word to purchase from their own Gabonese community first before going outside because the power of a community is first of all economic. If X or Y has an economic activity, its revenue indirectly or directly impact on the whole community.

For example, the restaurant of "Joelle" is purely Gabonese, it promote our culture. When we support it through our consummation, it remind us of our culture and keep us attach to it.

In addition buy Gabonese, consume Gabonese and undertake something so we can support you. Start a business everywhere you are. You can even copy what people do where you are. Take what is good in the developed countries and bring it back home.

Brenda: Be autonomous, become financially independent. Take risk because it does pay well, it is true that you can lose but you can win.