BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka issue 1 | Page 16

live your dream &

share your passion

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing


Pellentesque sit amet rutrum nulla, vel lacinia nisl. Phasellus ac varius eros. Suspendisse potenti. Nam vulputate tincidunt sodales. Phasellus bibendum vel erat ac cursus.

Nam nulla leo, fringilla at nisi nec, pellentesque suscipit sapien. Mauris interdum ac nisl ac aliquet. Nulla tincidunt egestas enim, vel accumsan velit bibendum eu. Nam ullamcorper ex eu quam auctor, et fermentum mi aliquet. Vivamus commodo congue neque eu commodo.


You have a business idea or you don’t know how to start , how to make it flourish; NAT FINANCE is able to assist you, we can even do it for you.

I can take the example of a restaurant Here in Vaal, a Gabonese restaurant. It’s not own by NAT but it has been placed by NAT. The owner came to us for advices and we did everything we can for her idea to be materialised.

There is another example of another young Gabonese who wanted to do online sales. The name is LAL VENTE. She had difficulty to deliver between Gabon and so forth. We helped her with our service.

What is the real meaning of NAT?

Arsene: NAT means « Nouvelle Affaire Transnational »

How many employees are hired at NAT FINANCE?

Arsene: In Libreville (Gabon), we have 4 employees: three who are full-time employees and the other one just help us here and there. So those three are: (I WILL JUST TELL THERE NAMES): YANN, BORIS AND CLERRY. In Port-Gentil, another city of Gabon, we have one person working with us “Eurefa Pombo”.

In Vaal we have two representatives: Brenda Eyele and myself. In Johannesburg we have Matt armel and in Pretoria, Stephane Manboundou.

Brenda: For those who do not know NAT FINANCE, in the Gabonese community, we are actually doing the same as MoneyGram and western union.

Living in South Africa, we all know the advantages and disadvantage of using those companies. So from those disadvantages, we as NAT FINANCE have developed services in order to fill in the gap.

We operate with a rate of 6.5 percent which is a great option for all Gabonese students or employees in South Africa. The other company never go below 8 percent. You can see that we are both helping our Gabonese brothers and making money. It is an affordable option for the parents to send money to their children through our services.

You said that you operate in Vaal, Pretoria, Johannesburg, LIBREVILLE, and Port-Gentil. What about other Gabonese's cities?

Brenda: we are trying to look for ways to work within other cities in Gabon to assist parents living there. Until now we have used "Airtel money" to ease the transaction even if it is not regular. We are really trying to help everybody but for now we can only have offices where the customers demand is high.

Arsene: we had an office in Moanda (Gabon), it is both active and inactive because the person who is in charge there, travel a lot so it is a bit difficult. However, anyone willing to help in that sense can contact us. If there a person from another area of Gabon, willing to help us, He/she can contact us and be a NAT FINANCE representative in those areaS. It will be easy for a person from Tchibanga for example to create a branch there.

Actually, the branch in Moanda was created by the mother of a customer, whom with her friends had some difficulty to send money to their children. It comes back to what I said above

Arsene: we had an office in Moanda (Gabon), it is both active and inactive because the person who is in charge there, travel a lot so it is a bit difficult. However, anyone willing to help in that sense can contact us. If there is a person from another area of Gabon, willing to help us, He/she can contact us and be a NAT FINANCE representative in those areas.

Are you planning on making NAT FINANCE available in other countries

Brenda: of course, we think about that, it is one of our long term goal, to be available everywhere. But it is not easy. In life, you have to go step by step. We want to focus first on South Africa and Gabon, be sure that the goals we have set for those two countries are achieved; then we could move one. The company is still growing. We can only help someone to send money in Gabon for now. From there, the customer will have to make a way and have someone who can take the money and send it elsewhere.

Arsene: yes we are ambitious; we want to go forward. We are negotiating to have a branch in Morocco so if everything goes well, we will have a NAT FINANCE Morocco soon. Brenda said, we go step by step. Another thing is that we can help people send money in another country but it will not be easy. We once facilitate a transaction to Benin by taking the money in Gabon then a NAT FINANCE used another financial company to send the money to Benin. You can understand that the process is long and draining.

As Brenda said, we go step by step. Another thing is that we can help people send money in another country but it will not be easy. We once facilitate a transaction to Benin by taking the money in Gabon then a NAT FINANCE agent used another financial company to send the money to Benin. You can understand that the process was long and draining.