BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka issue 1 | Page 15


hungry for entrepreneurship. We are not close but open to anyone who is willing to undertake or create a business.

Which kind of opportunity do you offer?

Brenda: For example, we offer investment services. Like Banks are doing: you place your money in an investment account and per year you get interests. With us, your interest is monthly, you win


In a sense that we work with your money and every month, you receive 7 percent of what you have invested and your capital will be given back to you at the precise date you have decided.


In a sense that we work with your money and every month, you receive 7 percent of what you have invested and your capital will be given back to you at the precise date you have decided in the contract.

Another thing is that we offer financial advice to customers when for example you do not know what to do with your money but you want to invest

it on something helpful We will advice you on what you can do with your money to prosper.

Financial advices! Are you student in that field or professionals having financial training background?

Arsene: We are students, self -employed and we were able to create our own company so we offer our help to those having difficulty but desire to be fit in a business context. You have an business idea of something, you don’t know how to start , how to make it flourish, NAT FINANCE is able to help you or we can even do it for you.