BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka 2 | Page 23

6.Visualize success 8.Taking the exam This one might seem a little out there, but sometimes it helps to imagine success. Think of yourself writing the exam and knowing the answers. Visualize the A+ on the paper after writing the exam. When you imagine yourself being successful, you're more likely to succeed. But don't just visualize studying - you actually have to do it! Scan each page of the exam before starting to make sure you have all the questions. This will also help you decide how much time you'll need to complete it. Read all the instructions on the exam. Do the questions you can answer first to make sure you get the marks for them. Pace yourself. Stay until the end of the exam in case you remember an answer. Go back, review your answers, and remember the relaxation techniques you learned. Breathe! 7.Talk to someone If you find that you're still stressed, talk to someone you trust, whether it's relative, friend or a member of VUT student counseling. They will help you put things in perspective. english/learn/examstresstips.asp HOW TO COPE WITH RECURRENT TESTS There is certainly no time to study 4 tests at the same time and for the same day. Likewise, if you wait for your lecturer to plan tests to start reviewing your note, you will certainly die overcharge by the work load. Therefore, don’t wait, study after each class in order to have a few knowledge of the subject. It will save you time when you will be compelled to study because you will already have a foundation. Five tests a week or a day is not sweet pie. For that reason, study in advance so that you can just browse your notes.