BANTU OF VAAL by Katucia Moussongo Bitsaka 2 | Page 22

SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU WITH EXAM STRESS Stressed out about exams? Stress can show itself in many ways. Some o the common signs are your heart racing, stomach cramps, trouble sleeping, losing your appetite or overeating. Here are some tips to help you chill out. 1. Start studying early 2. Have a plan to manage your time The most important thing to do is to stay focus. Yes always! Start studying as soon as your teacher announces the exam. Even before that, read over your notes after each class to make sure you understand them. Put the notes in your own words. You can prepare even more by thinking of questions that your teacher might ask on an exam. Write the questions down and answer them after your class is finished. This will make studying easier. Cramming all night doesn't usually work. Plan your study time ahead so you'll feel confident for the exam. Therefore, plan to have enough time to study; about 50 minutes at a time with five or 10-minute breaks. Have a snack, watch some TV or go for a walk. Study so you understand the material and not just to memorize it. Plan to study in a place where you can concentrate without distractions. 3.Be healthy 5.Chill out, try these relaxation techniques Studies show that taking the time to get some exercise and eating healthy improves performance on exams. So get out and get moving. When we're stressed we sometimes want to eat junk food but eating healthy will actually make you feel better. Also, get enough sleep - especially in the days before your exam. Good sleep helps you remember what you learned. 4.Practice, practice, practice Look for previous exam and test papers. If there isn't one, make your own. Answer the questions with friends and grade each other's work. Take some time for yourself out. You don’t have to go to a party or do something huge. You can just go out for an ice scream with some friends or a simple walk. Whenever a stressful thought pops into your head, replace it with a positive one. For example, replace "I'm going to fail this exam" with "I'm going to study early so I can ace this exam." Also, you may want to practice deep breathing. Take a few deep breaths, breathing from deep within your abdomen and not just your chest. Let them slowly out. This will get more air into your lungs and will help you relax.