Banking e-report Banking e-report | Page 6

Banking & finance annual report banking system is highlighted by Novo Banco being up for sale, Millenium BCP being subject to state intervention and therefore having its “hands tied”, as well as shareholder disputes at Banco BPI. Lowndes Marques also says that there are now more non-traditional lenders – such as Caixa Credito Agricola – appearing in syndicated financing deals, though they are “still feeling their way in the market”. Shadow banking Shadow banking is another growing trend in the Portuguese market, according to Lowndes Marques. He adds: “Private equity funds and insurance companies want to lend [in Portugal] – technically only banks and credit institutions are authorised, but I don’t think entities licensed elsewhere can be stopped from lending in Portugal – for example, if a credit fund is set up in Luxembourg or France, can regulations in Portugal stop them lending here?” There is, in general, a greater emphasis on the manag