Banking e-report Banking e-report | Page 5

Banking & finance annual report there is considerable finance-related M&A, particularly in relation to assets in the renewable energy sector. However, he also says that a decrease in restructuring work – which has been “one of the main work streams for banking lawyers in recent years” – is a concern, as are uncertainties surrounding the future of the European Union. Pérez López adds that competition between banking clients as well as law firms is f ierce and the pressure on fees continues. With regard to the activities of the legal arms of the ´Big Four’ auditors in the banking and finance market, Barona says that, while they are not usually “seen on big deals at present, they are doing things really well and could potentially be serious competition to big law firms and they need to be respected”. Meanwhile, one partner says the ‘Big Four’ have the contacts that enable them to “penetrate corporates” as well as significant resources. De Luisa remarks that there are significant opportunities for financial transactions in Latin America, particularly Mexico, Colombia and Peru. He adds: “All Spanish firms are deploying resources there and in many situations, firms’ finance practices are taking the lead in key infrastructure and energy projects in these jurisdictions.” Portugal: Banks under stress The Portuguese banking sector is under stress, according to Servulo managing partner Paulo Câmara. “There are regulatory constraints, staff cuts and new owners,” he says. “There is less investment from Angola and more from China.” Another major issue facing banks is non-performing loans and, specifically, whether there should be a single universal solution to this problem, or whether solutions should be tailored to meet local requirements, Câmara adds. He also says that smaller banks and consumer credit organizations are entering the market. However, there are fewer initial public offerings (IPOs), partly because businesses “fear the regulation costs involved when listing,” according to interpret EU banking regulations. Câmara. Yet there are considerable He adds that there are around €40 opportunities for law firms to advise billion worth of non-performing banks, he adds, to the extent that his loans that are up for sale in Portugal firm is hiring more people to meet and some private equity funds are demand. A lot of banking Technically only banks and lawyers’ work is devoted to credit institutions are authorised clearing banks [to lend in Portugal], but I don’t balance sheets think entities [such as private – particularly selling off non- equity funds] licensed elsewhere performing can be stopped. loans – says Uría Filipe Lowndes Marques, MLGTS Menéndez partner Pedro Ferreira keen to buy them. Malaquias. He adds that private Foreign banks are becoming equity funds have a growing role more active in Portugal due in the Portuguese banking sector. to Portuguese banks’ lack of Meanwhile, Ferreira Malaquias says availability with regard to lending, lawyers also dedicate “many hours” says Filipe Lowndes Marques, to banking regulation work, in partner at MLGTS. He adds that particular matters concerning how the uncertainty in the Portuguese the Portuguese government will “ ” Portugal: What are currently the biggest opportunities for law firms in banking and finance? “The overall stabilisation of the financial sector in Portugal and the stronger capitalisation of the banking sector will allow key financial players to accelerate the deleveraging process creating important opportunities. Also, the offloading of non-performing loans and non-performing exposures will trigger opportunities.” António Payan Martins, partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut “Due to high levels of non-performing loans on financial institutions’ balance sheets, we anticipate demand for legal advice on new measures for reducing costs and strengthening balance sheets, including divestment from non-core activities, the sale of assets and the transfer and management of non-performing loans.” Mafalda Oliveira Monteiro, partner, Miranda & Associados “The economic crisis stalled the M&A market and insolvency and corporate recovery cases increased significantly. Nevertheless, the number of M&A transactions is now increasing – in particular, M&A operations in the banking and financial sector given that it still requires a certain degree of consolidation.” António Vicente Marques, founding partner, AVM Advogados “The issues related to recapitalisation and non-performing loan portfolios that the Portuguese banking sector still needs to address. Also, disputes around the resolution of Banco Espírito Santo.” Maria Castelos, partner, Campos Ferreira, Sá Carneiro & Associados “Banks still have balance sheets with enough real estate to generate important opportunities to advise on the sale of those assets. This also applies to other types of collateral held by banks, such as stakes in companies outside the financial sector. Bank mergers, with sales of shareholdings (for example, involving BPI, La Caixa, Banif, Santander, Millennium and Chinese Fosun) also led to excellent opportunities for law firms.” Nelson Raposo Bernardo, managing partner, Raposo Bernardo “Advising on the sale of non-performing loan portfolios to foreign investors, as well as advising banks on the sale of real estate assets.” Edmundo Batalha Reis, partner, SPS Sociedade de Advogados March / April 2017 • IBERIAN LAWYER • 29 >>