Banker S.A. September 2012 | Page 33

CUSTOMER’S VIEW Real time How easily can your customers contact the right person in your bank? BANK CUSTOMER DANE INGS runs an Internet marketing consultancy, He gets a lot of mail, some of it very unwelcome. ‘What happened was that I got a fake e-mail, a phishing scam. I get quite a few that resemble the FNB website and on that day I thought ‘I’m really tired of this. I wish I could do something about it’. I wanted to actively help the bank to catch these individuals.’ Many of us have had the same impulse. It’s community-spirited, and the community in this case is the bank and its customers. That’s how banks would like their customers to think of them, so there are two opportunities here: to get real-time information on phishing, and to build a closer relationship with a client. Three opportunities, really. It’s also a chance to alienate a customer by making him do the work, and Dane was well aware of that risk. ‘Then I thought – okay, where do I get the right contact details, and how long is that going to take me? I’ve got to go to the website, find the right contact, then sit on the phone for who knows how long listening to music, and eventually get through to someone who’ll refer me to someone else.’ Dane played that out