BAND BAND | Page 12

The trombone section would like to thank... Marcel Montemayor- First and foremost, I would like to give a big thank you to Mr. Marines, who helped realize everyone's potential in the world of music. Especially for giving me such an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. Knowing that I was taught by a person like him is something that I will not forget for the rest of my life. Secondly, I would like to say thank you to the entire band, which to me is like a family. Everytime I set foot into the band room, or in a concert it's like every worry in the world disappears, and it's all thanks to everybody because you make me feel like I belong in this group. I wish I could stay more so that I could spend more time with this family. During these past 3 years I have made new relationships with people I would have never imagined to get to know. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my family who put up with me practicing at home, and coming to my concerts. Thanks to all for making my last year in band and in ASFM something to remember. Ian F. Fiehn - I never would've thought I would've gotten this far in my journey through the Band program when I started almost 6 years ago. I never predicted how much fun I would have, how much I would learn, all the people I would meet, and for all of this I am extremely grateful. I would specifically like to thank my brother, whose 7 years in Band moved me to do the same. Also, all of my friends, both in my grade level and younger, who inspire me to keep pushing forward and stay on this (hopefully) 7 year trek. Above all, the person to thank for this is Mr Marines. Without him, I don't think the class would be what it is. He motivates us to grow as musicians and as students. Camila Elizondo: I would like to thank my classmates for having a passion for band and for making music, I would also like to thank Mr Marines for giving us this opportunity and for being patient with us, also for encouraging us to be enthusiastic about music and the challenges that come with playing it. I would also like to thank the school for having a band program and for having us play in assemblies and school events. Also giving a special thanks to the low brass section for just having great memories of playing together and having lots of laughs (SEÑOR LOW BRASS XDXD). Aníbal D. Elizondo: I would like to thank all of the people I have had the chance to play and perform with, the persons that have encouraged me to push myself further into playing better. I would like to especially thank Mr. Marines, since he saw the potential I had back in sixth grade, he saw my dedication and the effort I had when playing my instrument. He is the reason I have been continuously pushed with new challenges to overcome. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to keep improving my skills in your class, it has truly been an honor. Also I would like to thank the eighth grade band since when I was considering my elective choice for this previous year I was considering dropping band, yet, their energy, passion, and enthusiasm made me stay in band for another year. I would also like to thank every single person that supported me through my journey in band including, my friends and family but especially my parents who had to withstand hearing me practice every single day. Finally I would like to thank every single person that has ever encourage me to pursue music since they are the reason I stayed in this class giving more color to my life. Eugenio Garza: Thank you fellow bandmates who have become a family. And especially, Señor Low-Brass. For being that semi-dysfunctional band section since sixth grade honors band. Thank-you Mr. Marines for always believing in us as a band. 11