JSHESS – AMOS student award
AMOS , the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO Publishing are delighted to announce the creation of a new prize , sponsored by AMOS , for the best student paper published in the Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science (
JSHESS ( formerly known as the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal ) publishes leading research encompassing the study of the mean state , variability and change of the atmosphere , oceans and land surface . This includes the cryosphere , from hemispheric to regional scales . The journal is open access and free of page charges .
Each year upon acceptance of a paper in JSHESS , students can nominate that the paper be considered for the JSHESS – AMOS Best Student Paper Award .
At the end of each calendar year , JSHESS editors will list the eligible papers that were published and meet the general criteria . The list will be forwarded to the AMOS awards committee to make a final decision .
Eligibility The nominee must be : 1 . the first author of the paper ; and
2 . must have been a student at the time the bulk of the work was carried out and the bulk of the work (> 70 %) in the paper must have been carried out by the student .
The student ’ s supervisor will be contacted to ensure the paper and student meet these requirements .
• The nominee must be either currently enrolled in a postgraduate degree ( Masters or PhD ), or previously enrolled and submitted their thesis in the 6 months prior to submitting the paper to the journal .
• The nominee must be a member of AMOS ( student membership is free for the first year ) or member of an AMOS affiliated society .
• There is no requirement that the nominee be Australian or at an Australian institution .
The nominee ’ s paper will be of an outstanding standard , providing novel , relevant and robust research . If no student papers meet these criteria , no prize will be awarded for that year .
In the event that there is more than one eligible paper , a scoring system will be used to determine the best paper with the following weightings :
a . b . c . Prize
40 % for impact 40 % for novelty 20 % for clarity and readability
The best student prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of an amount to be determined by the AMOS awards committee . The student will also be invited to give a webinar / seminar to the AMOS community to promote their research .
Allianz climate risk research award
The Allianz Climate Risk Research Award supports scientific research that improves our understanding of climate changerelated risks .
Launched in 2017 , the award acknowledges and rewards young scientists whose works shed light on the nexus between climate change and the extreme weather events that threaten millions of livelihoods and present ways these populations could be better protected . It targets social and natural sciences as well as economics PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers focusing on :
• Reducing the risk of extreme weather events that are intensified by climate change
• Fostering resilience by applying technological solutions .
This year ' s award topic is : How can science help insurers deal with extreme weather and climate risk ?
Applications are usually received from all over the world . Ten candidates are shortlisted by a jury and their work is published in a Compendium . Out of the ten , four are invited to Munich , Germany , to present their research at the awards ceremony .
In addition to having all expenses paid for , all four finalists received cash prizes , ranging from EUR2,000 to EUR7,000 to support their research .
Entries close 15 September 2021 . More information
here .