BAMOS Vol 31 Special Issue October 2018 Bulletin Vol 31 Special Issue 01 2018 | Page 8
Special Issue
Letters of
Australian Academy of Science
Ian Potter House, Gordon Street, Canberra ACT 2601
President: Professor Andrew Holmes AC PresAA FRS FTSE
2 August 2017
Ms Mary Voice
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS)
GPO Box 1289
Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Mary
Congratulations from the Australian Academy of Science
The Australian Academy of Science is delighted to extend its warm congratulations to the Australian
Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) on its thirty years of outstanding achievement in
fostering and promoting atmospheric and oceanic science in Australia.
From its earliest years in the 1950s, the Fellowship of the Academy included a number of eminent
Australian meteorologists and oceanographers who became Fellows of the Australian Branch of the
Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) when the Branch was established in 1973 and who subsequently
helped guide the Branch's transition to AMOS in 1987. These and their successors provided
distinguished scientific leadership in both Academy and AMOS work over the years on such important
national challenges as natural hazard mitigation, drought warning, ozone layer protection and climate
change assessment. They also helped ensure effective Australian collaboration in such major
international scientific initiatives as the Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP), the World
Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP).
The Academy's links with AMOS have thus been long-standing and productive and both organisations
can take legitimate pride in the achievements of the Australian meteorological and oceanographic
community over the past thirty years.
The Academy is delighted to join in applauding and honouring the leadership and accomplishments of
AMOS over the past thirty years and looks forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership in
the atmospheric, oceanographic and related Earth system sciences over the coming decades. I am
pleased to convey the congratulations and good wishes of the Academy on this important milestone in
Australian meteorology and oceanography.
Yours sincerely
Professor Andrew Holmes AC PresAA FRS FTSE