BAMOS Vol 31 Special Issue October 2018 Bulletin Vol 31 Special Issue 01 2018 | Page 29
Special Issue
A new world of extreme weather
Philip King
Bureau of Meteorology
From across society, there is an increasing demand for the
Bureau of Meteorology to offer enhanced information and
products in relation to extreme weather. This is tracking the
rising trend in frequency and impact of severe weather events.
In response to this demand, the Extreme Weather Desk has
trialled new scientific tools and techniques over the last two
severe weather seasons. More are planned for the current year.
Two key trials include a daily verification product focussing on
continual forecast improvement of events such as thunder,
large hail, damaging winds, heavy rainfall and tornado. The
second trial is a National Fire Weather Outlook.
A new climate for managing risk
Karl Braganza
Bureau of Meteorology
Recent decades have seen a change in the frequency and
magnitude of some forms of extreme weather, and most
tangibly extreme heat. Such high impact extreme events
are driving a reconfiguration of our responses to climate and
weather-related risk. This talk highlighted of some of the
changes that have occurred in Australia, and the challenges we
will face over the remainder of the 21st century.