BAMOS Vol 31 Special Issue October 2018 Bulletin Vol 31 Special Issue 01 2018 | Page 24

24 BAMOS Special Issue David Grimes President of the World Meteorological Organization WMO’s role as a Convening Power for Global Science Weather, climate and the water cycle know no national boundaries, and oceans are both national and international and interact profoundly with the overlying atmosphere. Global cooperation between researchers and service providers is important for the development of meteorology and hydrology as well as to reap the benefits from their application. This talk provided a short overview of the WMO, showing how WMO facilitates global cooperation and serves as an enabler in bringing to together the global community to meet societal challenges. Polar and High Mountain Science for Life The polar regions are a principal, global driver of the climate system. Polar regions are undergoing an unprecedented rate of change having consequences beyond well beyond the poles. WMO and the global scientific community are working to better understand the linkages between polar regions and mid- latitudes on weather and climate. This presentation highlighted some of the significant changes taking place in polar regions and outline some of the activities being undertaken to respond to the threats, inviting the AMOS community to engage in this critical work.