BAMOS Vol 30 No. 4 2017 | Page 41

BAMOS Dec 2017 41 BAMOS author guidelines for all submissions The Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (BAMOS) accepts a range of articles for publication. All articles submitted to BAMOS should be appropriate for the whole AMOS community (from weather enthusiasts to professional members) and aim to be concise without using excessive scientific jargon. weather watching”, “1975: skies on fire”, or “lightning really does strike twice”. 5. Any acknowledgements are to be included after the final section and before the references. 6. Any references should follow these example formats: Article types include, but are not limited to: t News, regional centre updates and conference reports: Short pieces (300–800 words) informing the AMOS community about relevant activities, awards or scientific news. These pieces should ideally be accompanied by at least one image. Journal Articles: Jung, T., Ferranti, L. and Tompkins, A.M., 2006. Response to the summer of 2003 Mediterranean SST anomalies over Europe and Africa, Journal of Climate, 19, 5439–5454. (Cite as Jung et al., 2006). t Books: Holton, J.R., 2004, An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. Academic Press, New York. 535 pp. t Book chapter: Raymond, D.J., 1993. Chapter 2: Observational constraints on cumulus parameterizations. In: The representation of cumulus convection in numerical models, Meteorological Monographs, 24 (46), 17–28, American Meteorological Society, Boston, USA. t Theses: Trewin, B., 2001, Extreme temperature events in Australia. PhD Thesis, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia. t Web sites: Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2012, Bushfire history - Major bush fires in Victoria, www.dse. emergencies/major-bushfires-in- victoria/. Accessed 28 December 2012. Articles: Longer pieces (up to 1500 words) that go into more scientific or technical depth about a topic or event. Pieces in this category could include a summary of recently published research, discussion of a historical weather event, or a personal essay on an aspect of AMOS-related work. Scientific articles: A longer contribution (<2500 words) of original research, to be subjected to peer-review. Longer articles may be considered at the discretion of the Editor and Editor-in-Chief. Book reviews, comments on previously published articles, biographical notes, obituaries and other articles types are also welcome for submission. For Articles or peer-reviewed Science Articles, authors should follow these guidelines: 1. Provide an abstract, no longer than 150 words 2. Articles should be submitted as a Word or plain text document and include all figures and tables either within the main text or consecutively at the end of the article. 3. Articles should have a line spacing of 1.5 or more using a font size of 12. Articles should preferably be written using Times New Roman or Arial. 4. Articles should be split into sections, to improve readability. Subtitles can be numbered (e.g. 1. Introduction, 2. Method, 3. Results, 4. Conclusion), or can help to guide the reader through the piece. For example, if you were preparing an article on historical lightning frequency on your farm, you might break the piece up using subtitles like “50 years of 7. We recommend that the author(s) of Science Articles make three suggestions for referees to undertake the peer- review. The author may also provide a list of up to three potential referees they do not want as reviewers, due to conflicts of interest, or past close association. 8. Once peer-review has been completed of a Science Article, a final version of the document should be sent to the editor either in Word format or as plain text. The document should also include figure and table captions and the references but no figures. Figure files should be sent separately (they may be in any format and the editor will confer with the author(s) on the resolution and formatting). 9. Galley-proofs can be sent to the author(s) for final checking before publication if requested.