Locally sourced
Find local food suppliers who can reduce your food miles,
packaging and also generally provide better quality food.
We use our local farm shop, fruit and vegetable markets
and charity shops to source a fair amount of household
items. Prices are comparable or less especially allowing for
savings in fuel and your time to drive to the ‘big box stores’.
The savings to the planet for food miles and reduced
footprint are priceless.
Why not?
Visit and seek out your nearest
farm shop or local producer.
I have tried really hard to reduce my personal
impact with the following simple habits:
• Avid recycler – avoid packaging and take stuff
home if I can’t recycle when out and about.
• Reduce footprint – cycle to meetings, try
and avoid lots of flights.
• Leave no trace – leave no litter and I often fill
my kayak or canoe (or rucksack) with other
people’s rubbish.
• Sharing ideas – I have registered for many
of the information sites we have listed in the
• Food provenance – eat vegetarian often, buy
from farm shop in village and local markets,
raise own meat, read labels, avoid high food
miles, buy British and wonky veg!
So why the 80:20 rule? Well simply the more you
find out the more daunting it is to try and
reduce your impact. The 80:20 rule allows you to
get started and make a difference rather than
claiming it is, “Too difficult” or “impossible.”
SCARY factoid
Some 28% of the world’s agricultural land
is used to grow food that ends up as waste.
The water wasted to grow this food would
meet the demands of nine billion
householders (Sustainable Food Trust
Reduce waste and consumption
Our rate of consumption is at an unsustainable level driven
by media campaigns, modern life and disposable income
and attitude. The difference between what we want and
need has become blurred and the global population has
risen to over seven billion. Many experts and lots of
evidence suggest action is needed now.
Why not?
Simplify your lifestyle with goals and targets. Reduce your
food waste. Visit and consider
different transport methods.