Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 33

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE Their resident bartenders/mixologists Gina and Roger hosted over the event to ensure a special time was had by all who attended. Phillip Antoine (now off crutches) was on hand to add some fun and expertise to the scene as Jamaal worked with participants. Participants were allowed to mix their cocktail while receiving feedback from these highly trained professionals. Dameain Williams, mixologist, was part of the team, offering tips on how to hold the strainer and the proper way to muddle ingredients. Also on hand were Raeann Beckles and Franklyn Parris of B.A.R.S. Inc. and several representatives from the Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Dario Goddard with Girls Night Out took Top Prize with his delicious Claytons and gin based creation. Dario left Jamaal a little speechless (hard to believe) but the drink was so wonderfully balanced that Jamaal could add little in the way of advice so he settled for asking for another sample! Nakita Carter surprised all with her Claytons and sago pearls cocktail called, Hidden Pearls; a delightful surprise with a very interesting texture. Shakera Drakes won People’s Choice (most likes on face book page) with Claytons and Grand Marnier mixture called East Coast Breeze. Carol –Ann Cart er then let the crowd sample her lovely refreshing Pirates’ Sunset Sail , combining Claytons , rum and OCT 2014 golden apple juice in her drink. The evening ended with the professionals taking stage and coming up with their own creations for the crowd to sample. The non-alcoholic mixture of Claytons and guava juice also was a crowd favorite. Several U.K. tourists joined the gathering , enjoying their first taste of Claytons and learning that they could order it online in UK at (note no ‘e’ in whisky) and Many thanks to the entrants, the bartenders/ mixologists, BARS, Krystle Clarke for running the competition on facebook, and of course, King of the Night, Claytons Kola Tonic! | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline