My Signature Claytons Kola Tonic Cocktail Competition
y Signature Claytons Kola Tonic
Cocktail Competition was a Facebook
competition open to the general public. The
concept behind the competition was to
encourage the general public to be creative with
Claytons Kola Tonic and to remember how
versatile it can be as a refreshing addition to an
everyday drink. Although Claytons Kola tonic
has been around since the 1880’s, there are
always new ways to mix it and new users to
learn to love it. The heart of the beverage is the
Kola Nut of West Afr ica, widely used in
Africa for its general effect on good health and
as a mild stimulant. In the Western World it is
mixed with glucose as kola nut on its own is
very bitter to our western palate.
Claytons Kola Tonic is used equally in 3 ways:
1. Straight over ice, 2. Mixed with favorite
alcohol, or 3. Mixed with soda/juices to make a
refreshing non-alcoholic beverage.
Claytons Kola Tonic has featured recently in
bartenders in the restaurant, bars and hotels.
However, this competition was aimed at the non
-professionals who enjoy mixing and
experimenting in their home. Several exciting
entries were received and top Barbadian
Mixologis , Jamaal Bowen , was asked to judge
the entries. Blakey’s Bar and Restaurant kindly
allowed the prize giving and demonstration to
be hosted at this lovely location overlooking
Hasting Rocks. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline