Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 6 | Page 20

BAJAN SUN Bajan Sun Magazine JULY 2014 Bajan Sun Magazine AUG 2014 INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR E.M. ADAMS : CHATTING WITH BAJANSUN ABOUT HER FIRST EVER BOOK – ADEGOR:THE ONE WHO SURVIVED by Cher Corbin Tell us a little about yourself and your family. I was born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines but spent all my adult life in Barbados. I went to a Christian school in St. Vincent, Emmanuel High School which helped to shape my spirituality and my connection to the divine Creator. When I moved to Barbados I went back to school and acquired my certificates. At present I am pursuing an online writers’ course in fiction and correspondence. I have three kids- two sons and one daughter, who I live for and love endlessly. They are partly the reason for me doing this. I want them to know and understand clearly that they can live their reality. It is never too late to dream and aspire, but in all that they do they should be a part of the paradigm shift to change the world for the better. How did you get into writing? When did you realize that it was a passion? I started writing at about the age of ten and loved it. At the end of term at my school there were always plays and programs and I wrote stories for them and my passion for writing was born. I have no formal training, I just write from my heart. Where do yo