Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 6 | Page 19

ZVI Barbados Health Food Store ยท Alternative & Holistic Health ZVI is a collective of independent entrepreneurs specializing in total body health, wealth and relationships. In ZVI, people from all walks of life join to focus on the same mission: putting people first. Rather than looking at our people as dispensable, ZVI takes the time to inspire, motivate, and walk them through the steps to their success. by Robert Gibson Our goal is to allow you to achieve what makes you happy! We are much more than a company delivering high quality nutrition products. We aim to improve the global community we live in. ZVI is committed to helping individuals, not only with the incredible benefits of its products, but with a business opportunity that opens the door to personal and potentially limitless financial success. By providing a system that allows the average person to develop financial intelligence, freedom to capitalize and achieve goals, ZVI will influence the state of economy one person at a time. See link: Its VERY REAL, the experience is awesome, we are currently welcoming individuals to join our rapid growing team and be apart of this wonderful experience by becoming business partners. We pride ourselves not only in our products but also the vast amount of advantages, opportunities and perks made available in our business. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline