NOV 2014
by Jerome Greenidge
wise therefore not to stay in the same bent position for
too long when gardening as it can cause injuries. Try to
squat up every five minutes to avoid back ache and by
squatting up and down your legs will get a great workout.
Washing the car is also great exercise. You can burn at
least 200 calories if you clean with some degree of
intensity. You work the entire body when you wash your
car as you have to get down low to wash the tires and
stand up to wash the roof and windscreen. The key
muscles involved here are the legs, back, chest, biceps
and lower back. Try to wash your car at least twice a
week to maximize calorie output and for weight
wanted to write an article today about ways you can
exercise without being in the gym or using any
cardiovascular machinery. There are many ways you can
lose weight doing everyday activities such as walking the
dog, doing house hold chores, gardening washing the car
and sex. Yes I said it, sex! I will spend a little time on
each of these activities. Now many people don't know this
but walking your dog consistently can burn at least 400
calories if done properly: When you first take your dog
out you can start by walking to warm up a bit and then do
a run with your dog and return to walking again. After a
few minutes of walking go for a sprint for a couple
minutes or seconds and then walk again, do this for 20 to
30 minutes for max results. Not only will you be forcing
your body to burn more calories and get fitter but your
dog will benefit as well.
Anyone who does house hold chores knows that it can be
tiring and can take a long time. If you mop, clean and
dust with vigor and enthusiasm you can also burn a lot of
calories. I use house hold chores to burn off excess
calories if I ate badly the night before. I would mop and
scrub the bathrooms quite intensely as that way your leg
muscles, back, shoulders, abs, biceps and lower back can
get a real workout which over time can yield a fitter well
toned physique if your diet is also monitored. Gardening
might not burn as many calories as doing house work but
it can stress your upper back, lower back, ab muscles,
shoulders, biceps and triceps in a significant way. It is
Sex is one of the most healthy forms of exercise there is,
if you don't believe me just check google or ask your
doctor. There are over 100 benefits of having sex at least
three times a week. I will just name a few here in this
article. Sex done properly can burn at least 500 calories
and this can happen if both parties play an active role in
the act. One sure way of strengthening a woman's legs is
to squat over the guy and without getting to explicit, men
can strengthen their lower backs, chest and legs by
exploring numerous positions which you can access
through google or relevant books. Overall sex can burn
lots of calories, release feel good hormones, strengthen
key muscles, aid in better sleep, and help improve skin
tone among others, which you can investigate.
So there you have it folks, there are lots of ways you can
improve your bodies without going into the gym and they
can be all done for free. For free info on fitness and
nutrition feel free to contact me via my facebook page
(provenphysique). Also feel free to try these ways of
burning calories while getting fitter and let me know how
it works out for you.
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