Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol 1 Issue 9 | Page 33

For Hugh, the Amsterdam competition was, personally an inspiring, heartfelt experience to be able and allowed to run with both son and grandson. A memory to be treasured. Not many are able to do this. It was truly a blessing. As Hugh will have us know, he runs for the love it and believes in 'CHI' running, the art of meditation, freeing your mind while in motion. It helps de-stress & recharge his energies. Hugh being quite committed to his craft, runs when time allows mainly in the midday sun! His premise is, if he can run in this heat, he can run at any time. He takes his que from the Kenyan distance runners. Moreover, running for Hugh is not about coming first, rather He is always a winner when he completes his run. Hugh has no intentions of stopping or quitting, therefore Run Barbados 2014 is in the pipeline. Hugh is also looking forward to competing in The Valley of the Kings, Egypt marathon someday - which would be awesome as he has personal connections to the destination. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline