A brain aneurysm is a weak, bulging area in a blood vessel in the brain
that, if it ruptures, can cause death or lifelong disability. Many of those
who suffer a ruptured brain aneurysm are in the prime of their lives, with
women and people of color disproportionately affected.
• O
ne in every 50 people in the United States, or an estimated 6 million
people in this country, has an unruptured brain aneurysm.
• E
very year approximately 30,000 people in the United States —
including children and young adults — suffer a rupture, often without
any prior symptoms. Tragically, four out of every ten will die.
• E
ven those fortunate enough to survive a ruptured aneurysm are often
not spared its devastating effects. Almost seven in ten survivors suffer
permanent neurological deficits, which not only affect their own lives
but also those of their loved ones.
• R
uptured brain aneurysms take an enormous toll on society as well as
on patients and families. The combined lost wages of survivors of brain
aneurysm ruptures and their caretakers is about $138 million a year, to
say nothing of the costs of medical care.
But there is hope, and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation is leading the
way. With increased awareness and early detection, improved treatments,
enhanced support services, and ongoing research — and with your help
— we can save and improve countless lives.
“Recognizing a ruptured
aneurysm early on can
be critical to getting
treatment that can
reduce the risk of
disability and death.”
Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD, founder of
the Brain Aneurysm Foundation and
Executive Director of the foundation’s
Medical Advisory Board
Warning Signs
of a Brain Aneurysm
• Localized headache
• Dilated pupils
• Blurred or double vision
• Pain above and behind the eye
• Weakness or numbness
• Difficulty speaking