lthough we’ve all fallen up
the stairs or, if you’re like
me, walked into a door
frame, humans are capable of
incredible feats.
There’s a lot of discussion these
days about women: about our
power to bring about life and our
instinct to care. We have more
capacity than we realise.
labeling feelings?
• Mindfulness doesn’t need to
mean sitting cross-legged in
• No one told me that I am
resilient: able to bounce back
when life knocks me down.
I was twenty-five before I re-
alised just how much control I
have over my own life.
Not only can we make it through
this never-ending day, and run
marathons, but we experience
love and loss, we can fall into
depression and breakdown with
worry only to lift ourselves back
up and keep on walking. But there are individuals of every
age and lifestyle who still aren’t
aware of their own power. Are
We are all inherently strong, yet
so many of us struggle to connect
with that inner fire that empow-
ers us to manage stressful expe-
riences. -> Pause and Reflect.
When I was growing up, I was
told to be quiet, to sit still, to eat
all my dinner, and if I was cry-
ing, the answer in my household
was “she’s just tired.” Even when
I was 14-years-old.
Three Steps to Reclaim Your
Inner Strength
Stop what you’re doing, when
you’ve read this paragraph and
just ‘check-in’ with your body.
Are you hot or cold? What about
Are you in pain anywhere?
How are you feeling, emotional-
Can you meet any of these
needs? Take 30 seconds to grab
some water or stretch out your
How often do we just… exis