Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 10
myself into an anxious fren-
zy only to find out that my
jumped-to-conclusion couldn’t
be further from the truth. stressed and like I’m a failure.
[By the way, “I’m a failure” is a
great thought to question above.
It’s not a FACT.]
When something hurts you emo-
tionally, it doesn’t hurt to step
back and just ask “Is this a fact?
Where’s the evidence? Could
there be another explanation?”
Saving ourselves unnecessary
hurt is a great act of strength,
and it allows us to work at our
best. Sometimes, it’s worth switching
one activity for another, rather
than try to add one in. If your
relaxing bubble bath for your
‘treat’ is a 10-minute rush, made
more stressful by the possi-
bly-burning dinner and already
running late for your evening
-> Self-Care is Not Always About
Addition What can you ‘tweak’ to offer
some self-care, rather than add-
ing to your to-do list?
I’ve tried so many ‘self-care’
techniques in my quest to feel
empowered. Turns out, adding
the idea of healthy food, yoga
and meditation to my already
shattering day doesn’t help me to
care for myself: it makes me feel
and habits can change, even into
our later years.
When I connect with my inner
strength, I find myself bouncing
back from stressors faster, I feel
more energised and above all, I
am in control of my daily expe-
rience. My inner fire is embla-
zoned by teaching these skills.
What will you find, when you
connect with yours?
It’s time to reclaim your power,
and find out what you’re capable
It’s never too late to learn these
skills. We are warriors of our own
creed, blazing the trail of our
best path. If neuroscience tells us
anything, it’s that our brains are
malleable: they change with us
About the Author
Katy-Rose is a Resilience Mentor and Per-
sonal Development Coach, melding psychol-
ogy, neuroscience and meditation practises
together. She believes human are more
capable than we realise, and supports fierce
seekers to build their resilience and channel
their inner fire to blaze a trail towards their
best, most-empowered self over at Map Your
Potential and her Facebook community.