Badassery Magazine February 2018 Issue 21 | Page 70

that I didn ’ t notice it beforehand . Celia was awesome . She gave me more books and pointed me in the right direction .
In addition to working and networking with some knowledgeable locals , I took two separate crystal certification programs , one of which is recognized by the World Metaphysical Association ( WMA ). I was the first Advanced Crystal Master through the renowned Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy . The WMA is sort of the American Medical Association of the alternate therapy world . From there I went on through all the levels of Reiki to become a Reiki Master . I haven ’ t stopped learning since . In addition , I am both a Munay Ki and Integrated Energy practitioner . Who know what I ’ ll learn tomorrow !
While it was tough finding information on energetic practices for people , it was even harder to find business and animal related topics . I wasn ’ t alone . So many of my colleagues were looking for the same information .
I knew that ’ s where my path was taking me .
I ’ m already a nationally recognized speaker in the professional pet industry . I teach business , safety , and handling to pet groomers . Why not adapt that to energetic practitioners .
So , I did and Pawsitive Educational Training was born !
Let ’ s get back to Marcus for a moment .
On primarily crystal therapy in conjunction with traditional veterinary medicine , Marcus not only improved , but also thrived . Before he crossed over at 12 , Marcus no longer needed to take medication for Cushings and his insulin was cut by 25 %. My veterinarian was amazed and his staff now asks my opinion on crystals for themselves . My husband went from looking at the pricing for insane asylums to being one of my biggest supporters .
Every step I took was difficult as I not only had to overcome my long held beliefs that this was hooey , but also look deep into myself for that push of confidence to keep going when those around me were ridiculing me .
Here I am 10 years later and so grateful to that person I was who had the courage to follow their dreams . If you only gleam one nugget of information from this article , it ’ s to follow your path . Your 10-year future self will thank you for it .
� Mary is the owner of Pawsitive Educational Training , your online source for easy , affordable , comprehensive , and complete online workshops for the busy professional . She writes for Groomer To Groomer and Natural Awakenings magazine , as well as a host of blogs and contributing author to several online and print magazines . pawsitiveed . com � �

Mary Oquendo