Badassery Magazine February 2018 Issue 21 | Page 69
t one time, I would have
rolled my eyes at any-
thing metaphysical. I was
a biology and chemistry major in
college. If it was not document-
ed within the science community,
then it held no weight in my eyes.
Then Marcus got sick.
Marcus, AKA the Love Bug, was my
chronically ill and not responding
well to traditional veterinary medi-
cine 7 year-old miniature pinscher.
We couldn’t get Marcus stabilized.
His medications were increasing
every month. His prognosis wasn’t
looking too good.
Sooo, I’m driving along and pre-
occupied with what was going
on in my life. I found myself in the
parking lot of a New Age store near
where I lived. Was always curious
about it, but never had the time to
stop in.
To this day, I don’t even remember
pulling into the lot. But there I was,
parked with the engine shut off. I
walked in and right over to the bins
of tumbled stones and picked out
several that I liked. They were pret-
ty and I simply considered them
worry stones. I’m sure I smirked at
the metaphysical chart.
They were kept them in my jeans
pocket and in a couple of weeks
I began to notice some very pos-
itive changes in my outlook. I Goo-
gled the stones and found that
the metaphysical properties I poo
poo-ed when I bought them cor-
responded exactly to the changes
I was experiencing.
That got my attention!
I went back to the store and bought
a couple of books and began to
experiment with my own dogs and
myself. Not my husband though.
I’m pretty sure he thought I lost it
and was possibly contemplating
some sort of intervention. After a
couple of months, Marcus stabi-
lized. He wasn’t getting worse, but
maybe all it was that we managed
to find the right dosage.
I started to look around for some
local people who I could learn
from, as there were no college or
continuing education courses on
the subject I could find. I didn’t
even know where to begin. But I
knew I needed to learn more.
It’s amazing what the universe
provides when you clearly state
your needs.
I was sitting in the kitchen of one
of my mobile pet grooming clients
having a cup of coffee like I had
been doing for the last 10 years,
when I noticed all the rocks and
crystals all over her house. Funny