Baby Z: FMP 2018 Final Presentation | Page 19

In her spare time Hannah likes to work on projects with other early adopters and innovators (this could include collaborations of personal work, photoshoots, blogs), she likes to travel and she also likes to go on nights out with her friends. Alkindi, H: Playboy Although Hannah likes to have fun, she’s serious and committed to her studies and her job; she’s also a strong believer in feminist views and wants to prove women can do anything they want, especially the things that people stereotype as for men only. Bell, S Along with key fashion icons and bloggers in the streetwear world, Hannah looks up to equal-rights fighters and feminists such as Kathleen Hanna, Adwoa Aboah and Emma Watson. She admires these women and uses her own social media platform to spread positivity and to raise awareness.