Baby Z: FMP 2018 Final Presentation | Page 15

legal • • • • • The new Data Protection Act (2018) will affect how we store consumer data Ensuring my brand name is not registered and in use Familiarity with contracting and ensuring all staff have legal contracts and are aware of health & safety regulations Knowing about copyright infringement- not using other brand’s logos or people’s images without permission Having a sweatshop free business and ensuring all employees along the supply chain are paid fairly and correctly environmental • • • • Increased concern in the preserving of unrenewable resources, the wastage of water in garment production processes and the wastage of potentially reusable/recycle materials and components: Taking measures to try and adopt water- preserving methods, particularly for items which require a large amount of water in the process Considering different transportation/freight methods and which would be the most sustainable, but efficient, choice for that product Recycling programs amongst businesses are common- repair services, DIY classes, customisation services and recycling for rewards programs are becoming increasingly popular