B-Living Issue 3/2023 | Page 28

Our clinical team cautions that there are variables for the optimal LDL ( bad cholesterol ) count , according to your risk profile . ‘ If you are very high-risk or high-risk , the LDL-C goal is 1.8 mmol / l and 2.5 mmol / l respectively . Your doctor will explain these to you , what they mean and the steps you need to take to reduce your LDL count . You can then begin to play an active role in managing your own health .
How often should you be tested ? Most healthy adults should have their cholesterol checked every four to six years . People who have heart disease , diabetes or a family history of high cholesterol , need to get their cholesterol checked more often .
What kind of illnesses or diseases can cause elevated levels of LDL ? People with high blood pressure ( hypertension ) and diabetes often have high cholesterol levels . Some other health conditions that can also cause raised levels of cholesterol include kidney disease and liver disease .
What role does genetics play in high cholesterol levels ? The medical term for high blood cholesterol is Familial hypercholesterolaemia . It is an inherited condition characterised by higher-than-normal levels of LDL blood cholesterol . It causes up to 10 per cent of early-onset coronary artery disease – heart disease that occurs before the age of 55 years . The cause is a mutation in a gene .
Can I lower my genetically high LDL cholesterol ? There is no cure for familial hypercholesterolaemia . Treatment aims to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and heart attack and may include dietary changes , including reduced intake of saturated fats and cholesterol-rich foods and increased intake of fibre .
Statins are the most common medicine for high cholesterol . They reduce the amount of cholesterol your body makes and you usually need to take them for life .
What lifestyle changes can help to lower cholesterol levels ?
• Losing weight
• Eating a heart-healthy diet : Focus on plant-based foods , including fruits , vegetables and whole grains
• Exercising regularly
• Not smoking
Did you know ?
• One third of adults have high cholesterol
• No one can live without cholesterol
• High cholesterol could be genetic
• Even children can have high cholesterol
• Sweating can raise your good cholesterol levels
• Supplements may work to lower cholesterol — but slowly
And remember , your GP should be your first port of call for all your healthcare needs . We believe there needs to be coordination of care and encourage you to see your GP , who can refer you to a specialist or auxiliary provider as and if the need arises .
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 3 | 2023