All about cholesterol
High cholesterol levels go hand-in-hand with a number of other factors which fall under chronic conditions . It is often as a result of lifestyle factors . According to the South African Heart and Stroke Foundation , one in four adults in South Africa has high total cholesterol , while 30 % have a high LDL level and 50 % have low HDL Levels .
What does this mean ? Our clinical team , takes a look at cholesterol : What it is and why it is used , together with other factors like lifestyle and medical conditions , to estimate your risk of cardiovascular disease . And why knowing your LDL and HDL numbers is important in managing your health .
What is cholesterol ? Cholesterol [ kuh · leh · stuh · rol ] is a waxy fat-like substance , made in the liver and found in the blood and cells of your body . We all have cholesterol , it is made naturally and helps to form cells , hormones , vitamin D and bile acid ( that helps us digest food ).
What is the difference between bad cholesterol LDL and good cholesterol HDL ?
• LDL is low-density lipoprotein : It is called the ‘ bad ’ cholesterol because a high LDL level leads to a buildup of cholesterol in your arteries which leads to a greater chance of developing a heart disease
• HDL is high-density lipoprotein : It is the ‘ good ’ cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from other parts of your body back to your liver . Your liver then removes the cholesterol from your body .
However , if someone has high levels of bad cholesterol it means they have too much of this fatty substance in their blood and , over time , this could cause arteries to block and result in a heart attack or stroke .
Unfortunately , unlike most medical conditions , high cholesterol can go unnoticed and often doesn ’ t present any symptoms , unless it ’ s serious enough to cause problems .
What test is used to determine the levels of cholesterol in your body ? Called a fasting lipogram , it measures the exact amount of different types of cholesterol you have . The SA Heart and Stroke Foundation maintains that healthy cholesterol levels should be :
• Total cholesterol : Less than 5.0 mmol / l ( millimoles per litre )
• LDL cholesterol : Less than 3.0 mmol / l
• HDL cholesterol : Greater than 2.0 mmol / 1
• If your triglycerides ( fat stored in the body ) are higher than 1.7mmol / l , this is also indicative of a possible cholesterol problem
14 Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 3 | 2023