B-Living Issue 2/2023 B-Living Q2 2023 | Page 6

Health Bits

There are many things you can do to improve your health . We share some simple tips to make you feel better and live a healthier life .
Brilliant blueberries Blueberries are packed with vitamins and minerals and are one of the richest sources of antioxidants among fruits . They can improve brain function and memory and may also help lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes .
Go bananas for glowing skin According to research , banana peels – rich in antioxidants , fibre and essential nutrients – might help brighten the skin and reduce wrinkles . It even acts as a moisturiser and helps to hydrate the skin . Several studies have found banana peels have anti-inflammatory properties too , just like the fruit . Simply rub the skin of the banana peel on your face , leave it on for 5 - 10 minutes and then wash off with cold water .
Herbs for halitosis Simply chew on a sprig or two of parsley and mint after meals . These two herbs are known to help freshen breath . Parsley is rich in chlorophyll , which can neutralise bad breath and act as a deodoriser , while mint contains menthol , has a cooling effect that can mask bad odours .
Lime away the pain Next time you have a headache , try using limes instead of pills to fight the ailment . Limes are a great natural remedy for headaches as it is thought that the fruit ’ s scent relieves headaches . The citric acid in limes can also help to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain . Simply cut a lime in half and apply the juice to your temples , then gently massage the area .
Don ' t brush after eating If you ' ve eaten or drunk something acidic like citrus fruits , sports drinks , tomatoes or soda , it ' s best not to brush your teeth right away . These foods can soften your tooth enamel and , if you brush your teeth immediately afterwards , you could damage your enamel and erode the layer underneath . Instead , wait at least 60 minutes before brushing your teeth . This gives your saliva time to naturally remove the acids and re-harden your enamel , protecting your teeth in the long run .
Exercise when you ’ re tired We all know that feeling of being completely wiped out after a long day at work . The thought of hitting the gym or going for a run , is probably the last thing you want to do . But did you know that exercise can actually help boost your energy levels ? It ' s true ! Even moderate exercise can help improve your mood and fight feelings of fatigue and depression . So , next time you ' re feeling exhausted , try lacing up your sneakers and breaking a sweat – you might be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards !
Drink something warm to cool down Next time you are feeling hot , try drinking a nice hot cup of tea or coffee . Because it helps to cool you down . When you sip hot tea or coffee , the body senses a change in the temperature and this makes you sweat . As the sweat evaporates , the body cools down .
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 2 | 2023