- BMS 1
Life Is What You Make It
-Preeti Shenoy
A love storS at hearD, this tale of
unconquerable human spirit shows how
Ankita, the protagonist does not
succumb to her destiny and decides to
fight back. It is a storS that makes us
question the verS concepts of sanities
and teaches the fact that life is what one
makes of it.
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
-Rashmi Bansal
It is the storS of 25 IIM Ahmedabad
gAaduates who chose the rough road of
entAepreneurship. They are diverse in age,
in outlook and the industAies they made
a mark in. But they have one thing in
common: they believed in the power of
their dreams. This book inspired us to
look beyond placements and salaries.
Go Kiss the World
-Subroto Bagchi
Being the author’s blind mother’s last
words, these words became the gCiding
principles of his life. Through personal
anecdotes and simple words of wisdom,
he brings us lessons in working and
living, energizing ordinarS people to lead
exDAaordinarS lives.