Ayres Knowledge Center Using Bike Boxes to Increase Visibility and Safety | Page 2
The main benefits of marking certain intersections
with bike boxes include increasing bicyclists’ visibility,
confidence, and ultimately safety in crossing through
intersections that otherwise pose perceived or actual
safety threats.
The visibility factor involves putting bicyclists in front of
vehicles at a red light, thus making drivers aware of their
presence – much more so than if bicyclists wait near the
curb to the right of motorized traffic. In places where truck
traffic is high, bicyclists queued on the right are particularly
hidden from drivers in high truck cabs, the National
Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban
Bikeway Design Guide points out. Right-hook crashes are
a significant problem for bicyclists when drivers to their
immediate left don’t see them and make a right turn,
hitting or cutting off the bicyclist.
Safety is increased by essentially giving bicyclists front-of-
the-line status as the light turns green, allowing them
to safely turn left, go straight, or turn right before
vehicular traffic overtakes them. However, not every
bike box is designed to accommodate all three movements
by bicyclists.
Bike boxes also provide bicyclists greater visibility and
protection in “commanding their lane.” For example, while
in most locations a bicyclist legally can line up in a left-turn
lane at a standard intersection, he or she must always
wonder if vehicles approaching from behind will see them
and stop behind them. The bike box provides a protected
place for a bicyclist to move to a left-turn position after
reaching a red light, rather than having to make lane
changes in traffic while approaching a red light.
An extra benefit derived from bike boxes is the decreased
encroachment of traffic into crosswalks, which reduces
risks and stress for pedestrians. Another incidental
advantage is bicyclists’ ability to distance themselves from
exhaust fumes.
Bike boxes are most appropriate where it is beneficial
to allow bicyclists to queue ahead of motor vehicle
traffic at signalized intersections where bicycle traffic is